An amazing tale about Sage Ashtavakra
Today I would like to share with you an amazing story about a great sage Ashtavakra.
As his name signifies, his body was deformed in eight places. From the limited information and varied stories available about Ashtavakra, I love to share this particular story.
When Ashtavakra was twelve years old, Raja Janaka hosted a huge debating conference. He invited pundits of the whole country to debate on the scriptures. The winner was to take back with him one thousand cows; horns plated with gold and decorated with jewels. It was a great debate. Ashtavakra’s father, who was a very learned pandit, also participated.
Ashtavakra decided to visit the palace. The hall was beautifully decorated. He walked in. Since his body was bent and deformed in eight places, his walk was very strange; comical to a point. When the pundits saw him and his strange walk, they broke into laughter. The whole assembly laughed.
To everyone’s surprise, Ashtavakra also roared with laughter. Seeing this Raja Janaka could not resist asking, “Everyone else is laughing. I can understand why they laugh, but why did you laugh, my son?”
Ashtavakra stopped laughing, took a breath and replied, “I am laughing because I thought a great debate on Truth was going on. I was hoping to see a collection of very learned people here. But here I see a conference of cobblers. What are all these shoemakers doing here?”. A deep silence fell over the assembly.
The king asked, “What do you mean?”
Ashtavakra replied, “It is simple and straightforward. They only see my skin, they don’t see the true me. It is difficult to find a man more pure and simple than me, but they don’t see that; they only see a bent and deformed body. That is why I call them cobblers; only interested in and judging by the skin. My body is twisted, but I am not. Look at the one within; you can’t find anything more straight and pure“.
Raja Janaka was extremely impressed and moved, but said nothing that day. The following day when he was out on his morning ride he saw Ashtavakra on the way. Raja Janaka dismounted from his horse and fell at the boy’s feet. He requested, “Please come to the palace, and satisfy my eagerness for the Truth. You spoke truly: what depth of understanding have those who recognize only the body? I’m blessed that you came and disturbed me, that you broke my sleep. Please come to the palace!”
Ashtavakra Gita is the dialogue that followed between Ashtavakra and Raja Janaka……….
As per Ashtavakra Gita, we are already perfect. We have just forgotten it and have started associating ourselves to names and forms. We do not realize our true self; which is much beyond this physical body and mental mind. Our true self is limitless and boundless.
Also our true self exists in oneness with the universe. Let us just understand this.
Western philosophy talks about duality, I am here, separate from the creator, Almighty God, who is up there. Similar in nature to a poet and his poems. Both exist separately.
Ashtavakra talks about non-duality; oneness with the universe. The creator and the creation is one and the same. Similar to a dancer and his dance. How can you separate the dance from the dancer?