An amazing Journey from a Technical Mind to Techno-Spiritual one!! (by Jasjeet Suri)

Hi all, I was a die hard engineer, a marine engineer to be precise; sailing the seven seas.

Science is what made my clock tick (and most importantly, made the machines work smoothly on-board my ships!!). Anything out of the scope of science made no sense to me. We engineers’ are quite convinced that we understand quite well how things work and science can explain almost anything which happens around us.

Almost anything ……. but not everything!!

That is what caught my attention about 15 years back. I got exposed to Quantum mechanics…… through some amazing authors like Fritjof Capra (I still love his book “The Tao of Physics”). After that there was no looking back. The deeper I went, the more clear it became to me that I understood nothing about Life or about the True Nature of our Universe……

During that time I got to know about Reiki Healing. My curiosity got the better of me and very soon I found myself getting attuned for the first level of Reiki. After the class & attunement process, all the other participants were very eager to discuss what they had experienced, felt, visualized. Sadly I had nothing to say.

My Awesome Reiki Teacher told me not to worry & not to be too concerned. When the time was right, I would have an experience of my own. And he was right…..

My son was born in November 2003. My wife Prini, went in for delivery; it was to be a normal delivery. The doctor came out looking tensed. She informed us that the child was not in the normal position and we may have to go for a cesarean. I was quite young then and I froze with fear, hospitals had never been my strong point…..

It took me a moment to recover & I immediately called my Reiki Teacher. He heard me out and replied in a very calm & smoothening voice that “Everything would be just fine. Just give Reiki to the mother and child”. Something deep inside my heart stirred; I could feel  what he had said was true. I, immediately sat down and started doing Reiki. Within seconds, my mind switched off. That is all I remember about the Reiki I did that day. There were no logics, no mathematics, no science, nothing…….  

Conclusion ???

My son was born about 10 minutes later, a normal delivery. Our doctor was quite pleased, she later told me that she had never undergone a similar experience in her long gynae carrier. All preparations for a cesarean were stopped, the anesthesiologist was sent back……….. and I emerged that day from the hospital, a more spiritual, matured & “less science based guy”…….

The universe had sent me a message that day –

“When you have the right intention and you surrender to the cosmic energy, the cosmic energy holds your hand and guides you to the rainbow”.

Today I am a Almast Reiki Grand Master, a Tarot Card Reader, a Jewelry Designer (something I could never have imagined I would relish so much!!).  Occasionally I actively indulge in understanding technical problems & troubleshooting for old mariner friends  and even conduct technical courses for my beloved shipping company, Marwave. I try my best to spend some quality time daily, digging deeper into the amazing world of Quantum Mechanics.

That’s all about me. I wish you all the luck and I hope and pray that you too have amazing experiences, which takes you closer to your true self, enhancing inner peace & a child-like blissfulness within you.